Noise or No Noise, that is the question?
We've heard several reports stating that Industrial Wind Turbines are quiet and don't make enough noise to cause concern to residents who live in close proximaty. That the wind itself would cause more noise than the turbines as they only operate while the wind is blowing, thus never being louder than the wind. So, what is the real story? Is the wind louder than the turbine and it simply doesn't make a difference? Below please find links to noise articles and videos...

Facts about Industrial Wind Turbine Noise
The links below are articles filled with many facts regarding Industrial Wind Turbines and their associated noise factors. Also, there are links within the document with additional information.

Acoustic Report representing both Wind Farm operator and residents
This acoustic report is unique in the fact that the report is a joint effort with both the Wind Farm operator and local residents who live in close proximatey of the wind farm turbines.
Shadow Flicker
Shadow Flicker is the result of the Wind Turbine blade rotation causing a shadow on the ground/property around the turbine when the sun is a different locations through out the year. If a home is close enough to the turbine, a shadow flicker will affect the lighting within and without the home.

Shadow Flicker - home example
1400 Feet, that's an important number to become familiar with as it's the standard setback distance from a residence, regardless if you are a participant in the Wind Farm or not. At this distance, the Shadow Flicker becomes an issue for many please watch the homeowners you tubes of what it looks like within their own homes.