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Our "group" intends to impact the future of Butler and Saunders Counties in a positive way. We intend to accomplish that by providing factual information to people in the area on the immediate and long term, negative impacts that the proposed Industrial wind project will have.  


The areas that are being proposed for the wind turbines is farmland that primarily produces corn and soybens with cattle, hogs, and chickens along with those activities that support these practices being a vital part of the agriculture landscape.  Small farms and acreages dot the landscape making this area a small community of close knit families and agrculture producers.  Our small towns, villages and schools are largely supported by agriculture production and their families.  We feel that having a large scale industrial electric wind generation facility in our area will negatively impact our agriculture production, cause families to not move into our area and reduce overall well being.  


The Bohemian Alps is a geographically and geologically unique area that needs to be preserved and maintained in its natural beauty.  The impact of large turbines will not only cause damage to the scenic appeal of the area it will also impact the diverse wildlife in the area. Currently three bald eagle nests are found in the area, prairie chicken leks and migratory birds move through the area on season migrations. The local lakes and large ponds provide necessary resting areas for these migrating birds.  The recently listed "threatened" northern long eared bat can be found in this area. 


We are small town people, small farm lands that work hard daily and enjoy what we have built and the daily encounters in working the land. The transformation of farmland into industrial wind generation will forever change how we farm, how we see our community and how we interact with each other.  Having to farm around wind turbines and the array of support structures will negatively impact our rural community.


Who we are


In April 2015, 40 individuals from Butler and Saunders Counties in Nebraska met to bring ideas together on how to preserve and protect our rural landscape from a proposed Industrial sized wind farm that would include 112 wind turbines standing 423 feet tall above our farms and rural communities.

We have the support of over 100 area landowners and residents (and growing) who hope to halt the Jubilee Wind Farm Project proposed by NEXTera Enery, LLC, of Juno Beach, Florida.






Bohemian Alps Wind Watchers

We are always looking for additional ways to get the news out about wind farms. If you would like to talk with us about questions you have regarding wind developers in our area or general information about our group and the affects this project may have on our communities please contact us.



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